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75% of people would rather do anything than make a speech. The mere thought of it can catapult some into a frenzy, and often takes over from the enjoyment of what should be a fun and memorable occasion, like a wedding or birthday party.

We are regularly contacted by prospective speech makers, who tell us that they would prefer if their event was cancelled completely, if it meant they didn't have to make a speech!

There are others who don't mind the speech but feel overwhelmed at the very thought of putting it together, and finding the right words to say.

We take the pain out of this process by asking our customers to complete a simple questionnaire. We base each speech on the information that is provided to us and ensure that they are easy to deliver, relevant and on point. We even send our clients a recording so that they can familiarise themselves with how to deliver it on the day.

"A good speech is like a pencil. It has to have point." Can we help you to sharpen yours?


  • What is an Instaframe?
    An instaframe is a custom-made, rhymed speech created by Instanza
  • Where can I see an Instanza or Instaframe?
    You can read a birthday, christening and funeral Instanza's on our portfolio page. You can also listen to an Audio recording for a 50th Wedding Anniversary. This will give you an idea of the sort of Instanza we will be happy to create for you. You can browse the Instaframes on our services page.
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